I play Rimworld, Project Zomboid and a criminal amount of business management sims.
I eat too much.
I watch Star Trek, Archer and peeps shoot boys in PUBG and CoD Warzone on YouTube.
I love video editing, Dr Pepper, Nutella, Charlize Theron and my cats.
Bar order is a gin and tonic.
Favourite cheese Wensleydale with Cranberries.
Content Creator
Peep since February 2016
My hobbies include painting Warhammer (badly), butchering embroidery, eating out, (when it is legal to leave the house), and feeding the local squirrels and crows. I also wish I could find time to learn archery.
a.k.a Mak
Tech Support
Twitch Moderator
YouTube Moderator
Peep since February 2016
I play racing simulators and Final Fantasy.
I eat everything.
I watch Star Trek and anime, lots of anime.
I love to make things, from leatherwork to 3D printing and electronics.
Bar order Leffe!
Favourite cheese Mexicana.
My hobbies include photography, travelling, growing vegetables and general gardening, cooking sweet things (I make a mean cheesecake).
Discord Admin
Discord Founder
Peep since June 2016
I play Stellaris, Civ, Rimworld and Hades.
I eat everything.
I watch Critical Role, Cobra Kai and too much YouTube.
I love Star Wars and my cat.
Bar order Rum and Lemonade.
Favourite cheese Parmesan.
My hobbies include drawing, cooking and playing the drums.
Discord Admin
Morale Manager
I play shooters, strategy and RPG games from CoD Warzone to Stellaris and The Witcher.
I eat a lot but have a fondness for Chinese/Japanese cuisine.
I watch Star Trek, Brooklyn 99 and documentaries. Twitch, a selection of YouTube and of course Blarla.
I love astronomy, history and travelling.
Bar order Spiced Rum and Coke with a shot of tequila...I miss bars.
Favourite cheese Mexicana, le spicy cheeses.
Peep since July 2017
My hobbies include trying to stay active with football and badminton. I enjoy fishing and hiking and I long to get a house with a garden again so I can do some landscaping and host some BBQs. Finally, I like spending time in the kitchen trying out new recipe ideas and rustling up something tasty.
Special Thanks
This additions to the Team page became necessarily because there are such incredible peeps out there who do selfless things and contribute to the community in a way that benefits all. To not mention them would be criminal as I have a lot of thanks to give.
ioKanda is a skilled icon maker and does it professionally. So when he contacted me and offered to make the emojis for the Blarla Discord, I was beyond gobsmacked. I, of course, jumped at the offer and the results were nothing less than astounding.
This incredible man provided 100 items to fill the discord with, including high-quality stickers for all to use and enjoy. He mentioned that he won two giveaways and got a Happy Birthday wish on stream and wanted to find a way to thank you. My goodness, did he find it!
Here is a small sample of the fantastic art he created. Chances are, if you see a Blarla sticker or emoji, this is the man that made it.